(Updated for 2025)
Membership Requirements
Members must attend at least 1 ArkLUG member meeting and participate in at least 1
ArkLUG public event in a calendar year to maintain membership.
Member Dues
Mandatory $25 per calendar year per adult member must be paid no later than April 1 and
can be paid via PayPal (admin@arklug.org [friends and family please]) or cash/check to any
In 2026, dues will be raised to $50 per calendar year per adult member.
Code of Conduct
Members shall always be professional and respectful to others. Do not display or engage in
controversial subject matter and keep your builds kid friendly. Failure to comply with these
requests could result in your MOC or your removal from the event or expulsion from
ArkLUG. All members shall abide by The LEGO Company (TLC) guidelines as outlined in the
LEGO Brand Values and LEGO Fairplay.
ArkLUG Chapters
ArkLUG maintains chapters in Arkansas and Oklahoma. Each chapter has either quarterly
or monthly meetings and provides public displays and events in their region. Chapters are
located in Central Arkansas (Conway), Northwest Arkansas (Rogers), Northeast Arkansas
(Jonesboro) and Central Oklahoma (OKC). Chapters allow us to better organize local
participation, but members can participate in any event in any chapter.
If you are interested in starting a chapter in your area, reach out to us via email at
Chapter Requirements
ArkLUG chapters must maintain at least 10 active local members per calendar year in your
area. Chapters must have a designated Chapter Lead.
Chapter Meeting Requirements
Chapters are required to provide no less than 4 in-person meetings with at least 10
members per calendar year. Participating members for meetings can be from any chapter.
Members can connect to chapter meetings virtually if that service is available, but virtual
attendance will not count towards member perks. Chapter leads have the ultimate say on
whether virtual options will be available for any chapter meeting.
Chapter Public Event Requirements
Chapters are required to provide a LEGO related public display for at least 2 local events in
a calendar year with the assistance of no less than 10 members. Participating members for
events can be from any chapter. Event examples could be (but not limited to) Library
events, comic conventions, train shows, brick fan conventions, or even your own event.
Participation in Events
Participating in events can be attained in multiple ways. Participation will be up to the Event
Leader(see below). Expectations for participation are interacting with the public, bringing builds
to shows. Sets and MOCs are acceptable, but some shows are more MOC focused. For
multi-day events, full participation isn’t required for the entire duration. However, attending for
only a few hours doesn’t count as participation. To qualify, involvement must cover the majority
of the day or include significant assistance with setup or teardown, such as setting up or tearing
down tables or helping with loading and unloading member displays.
Cornerstone Events
Cornerstone events are defined ahead of the event and at the discretion of the ArkLUG board.
Cornerstone events are events that Arklug historically has put on large displays and requires a
large member presence. New events can be considered as a cornerstone event, but will be
decided on by the board. As of February 1 2025 the cornerstone events for 2025 are: Conway
Train and Hobby Show, Oklahoma City Train show(November) and SpaCon. Additional events
may be added if opportunities arise and will be publicized by the ArkLUG Board and event lead
as a cornerstone event.
Member Perks
Maintaining RLUG status means the LEGO Company gives the RLUG and it’s members perks throughout the year. Please see you chapter lead for specific details about different participation levels,
Participation Level 1:
Pay dues, participate in at least 2 public events and 1 chapter meeting in a calendar year
Participation Level 2:
Pay dues, participate in 3 total events, at least 1 event must be a cornerstone event, and 1
chapter meeting.
ArkLUG board
The ArkLUG board consists of the club leadership team as well as all chapter leads. The board
is responsible for creating and deciding club policy, as well as making sure the club functions
and generates all reports and events necessary for continued recognition as a LEGO User
Chapter Lead Requirements
All private and public event data for chapter events are required to be sent by the Chapter
Lead to the ArkLUG Ambassador via Discord within 5 days after event. Chapter Leads are
also required to send event photos, weblinks, and media mentions to the Social Media
Director via Discord.
Chapter Leads duties include maintaining a roster of local members with contact details.
planning and scheduling local meetings and events, working with the leadership team on
support and LUGBulk distribution, being active in Discord leadership discussions, and
much more.
Event Leader
The event leader is the person responsible for turning in attendance and the event report on the
ArkLUG discord as defined in the Event Report section within 5 days. The event leader may be
the chapter lead, but may also be another person defined before the event.
Chapter Perks
ArkLUG chapters will have access to up to $250 as a discretionary fund for incidentals,
pizza night, business cards, flyers, etc. These funds are ONLY to be used for club related
business as a necessity to help maintain and grow your local chapter. Funds distribution is
contingent on how many active paid members you have for that year by the April 1st
deadline. The Ambassador along with the President have the ultimate say about funds